Contact: +90 212 706 9075

Back Stretching

Sagging and unwanted fat deposits in the back area can be effectively addressed with a back lift surgery. Through this surgical procedure, the back area achieves a tighter and more youthful appearance. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU utilizes advanced diagnostic and treatment methods in back lift procedures to ensure optimal results for patients.

Back Stretching

Back Stretching

Aging and unbalanced weight gain and loss can cause sagging in the back area as in every part of the body. With the effect of aging and gravity, loosening of the muscles and skin structure causes sagging. This causes loss of aesthetic appearance. The solution to all these problems is possible with back lift operations.

Back Stretching


Like any surgery, back lift surgery carries some risks. Conditions such as bleeding, infection and fluid accumulation under the skin can be observed.

Since the back lift operation is a surgical procedure, it leaves some scar on the body. This scar is positioned at a point that cannot be seen by the eye. The scars fade over time and become almost invisible at the end of 1 year.

After the operation, it is necessary to stay under observation for 1 day. After 3 days, you can take a shower. After 10 days, you can return to daily life and work life without straining the body.

It is generally recommended to wait until the 50s for this operation. However, if the conditions that require the application of this operation occurred at an earlier age, it can be applied if there is no obstacle to the procedure.

Back Lift surgery takes approximately 2 hours. After the operation, it is necessary to stay under observation in the hospital for 1 day.

Plastic Surgery

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Op. Dr. Burak Pasinlioglu

Doctor Details

Op. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU graduated from Ankara Science High School in 2006 and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2013. In 2019, he completed his residency at Gazi University Plastic Surgery Clinic; He received the title of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. In 2020, he received the European Plastic Surgery Recognition (EBOPRAS). Since 2021, he has been accepting patients in his private practice.

Back Stretching

Back lift surgery is an effective solution to remove unwanted fat deposits and sagging in the back area. Thanks to this surgical intervention, the back area gains a firmer and younger appearance. Op. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU aims to provide the best results to his patients by using advanced diagnosis and treatment methods in back lift procedures.

Back Stretching

Aging and unbalanced weight gain and loss can cause sagging in the back area as in every part of the body. With the effect of aging and gravity, loosening of the muscles and skin structure causes sagging. This causes loss of aesthetic appearance. The solution to all these problems is possible with back lift operations.

Is Back Lift Surgery a Risky Procedure?

Like any surgery, back lift surgery carries some risks. Conditions such as bleeding, infection and fluid accumulation under the skin can be observed.

Does Back Lift Surgery Leave Scars on the Body?

Since the back lift operation is a surgical procedure, it leaves some scars on the body. This scar is positioned at a point that cannot be seen by the eye. The scars fade over time and become almost invisible at the end of 1 year.

When Can I Return to Work Life After Back Lift?

After the operation, it is necessary to stay under observation for 1 day. After 3 days, you can take a shower. After 10 days, you can return to daily life and work life without straining the body.

Is There an Age Restriction for Back Lift Operation?

It is generally recommended to wait for the 50s for this operation. However, if the conditions that require the application of this operation occurred at an earlier age, the application can be applied if there is no obstacle to the procedure.

How Long Does Back Lift Surgery Take?

Back Lift surgery takes approximately 2 hours. After the operation, it is necessary to stay under observation in the hospital for 1 day.

Back Lift

Back lift surgery is one of today’s popular surgical procedures performed to correct sagging skin in the back area due to aging, weight loss or genetic factors and to achieve a younger, taut appearance.

This surgery, which is usually performed for the upper part of the back, can also be performed for the lower part. Especially in the case of decreased skin elasticity in the upper region and prominent skin sagging, surgery may be a suitable option.

Back lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the operation process may vary depending on the degree of sagging and the patient’s anatomy. In the upper back lift procedure, an incision is made on the bra line and excess skin and fat tissue are removed.

The remaining skin is pulled upwards and stretched. The incision is then closed so that it is hidden under the bra. In the lower back lift procedure, an incision is made in the waist area and excess skin and fat tissue are removed.

The remaining skin is pulled upwards and stretched. The incision is closed to be hidden under the panty line.

Benefits of Back Lift Surgery

Back lift surgery improves the contour of the back by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the underlying muscles. It is often used to correct sagging skin caused by factors such as weight loss, aging or pregnancy.

The benefits of back lift surgery include the following.

The surgery removes sagging skin and excess fat from the back, providing a smoother and more toned appearance.

Having a more aesthetic appearance can increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

In cases where clothes do not fit properly due to sagging skin, this problem disappears after surgery and clothes fit better.

The surgery can help relieve some back pain by tightening the muscles and reducing tension.

Cracks and scars on the skin can also be removed during the surgery.

Who is Back Lift Surgery Suitable for?

Back lift surgery can be an effective solution for people who suffer from sagging and loose skin in the back area. In particular, this surgery can increase your self-confidence and improve your quality of life by providing you with a smoother, firmer and toned back area.

Who is suitable for back lift surgery? In response to the question; First of all, this surgery is very effective for people with excessive sagging skin on their backs. Factors such as weight loss, pregnancy or aging can cause sagging back skin.

Sagging can negatively affect a person’s self-confidence and make it difficult to dress. People with excess fat on their backs can get rid of their fat with this surgery. It is effective for people with stubborn fat deposits in the back area that cannot be removed with other fat removal procedures such as liposuction.

Back lift surgery is a surgical procedure and carries some risks as with any surgical procedure. Especially for this reason, you should be in good general health before undergoing surgery. Smoking can make wound healing difficult and increase the risk of infection.

Therefore, if you are planning to have a back lift surgery, it is recommended that you quit smoking at least 6 weeks before the surgery. Back lift surgery can significantly improve the appearance of the back area.

How to Remove Back Fat?

How to remove back fat? In response to the question; Back fat removal with back lift surgery can be performed with two methods. Liposuction is a procedure that allows the suction of fat cells under the skin using thin cannulas.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1-3 hours. Liposuction is an effective method to remove stubborn fat deposits in the back area and stands out as a relatively minimally invasive procedure.

In back lift surgery, excess skin and sagging fat are surgically removed. Specifically, this procedure involves a horizontal incision in the lumbar region and a vertical incision towards the back. After the excess skin and fat are removed, the remaining skin is stretched and closed with sutures.

Back lift surgery is a more invasive procedure than liposuction and the recovery time is longer. The most suitable method for back fat removal with back lift surgery varies depending on individual needs and anatomical structure.

Our clinic evaluates your medical history, weight loss goals and skin elasticity and recommends the most suitable method for you.

Recovery Process After Back Lift Surgery

As in any postoperative period, the recovery process after back lift surgery is also important and there are some important points to be considered especially in this process.


You usually need to stay in hospital for 1-2 days after the operation.

During this time, your doctor will check you regularly and prescribe painkillers.

It is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions and have your dressings done regularly.

Home Care

After returning home, you need to rest and avoid heavy activities for a few weeks.

Your doctor can give you a special exercise program. These exercises will help speed up your recovery and strengthen the muscles in the surgical area.

If you feel pain, you can use medicines prescribed by your doctor.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet.

Smoking and avoiding alcohol may delay your recovery.

It is important to tell your doctor if you notice any abnormalities at the surgery site, such as redness, swelling or discharge.

Recovery Process

Full recovery may take several months.

During the first few weeks you may feel some discomfort and tightness in your back.

This is normal and will decrease over time.

Your surgical scar may be red and prominent at first. Over time, it will fade and become less noticeable.

Back Lift Operation: Detailed Guide

Back lift surgery is an effective solution to remove sagging and unwanted fat deposits in the back area. Over time, conditions such as aging and unbalanced weight gain and loss can lead to aesthetic problems in the back area as in every part of the body. Back lift operation is an ideal option for solving such problems.

Who is it Suitable for?

People who can benefit from a back lift operation are generally those who want to correct sagging in the back area during the aging process. However, there is no specific age range for this operation. Back lift operation can be applied to people of all ages who want to eliminate aesthetic problems in the back area.

Realization Process of the Operation

The back lift operation is usually performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, excess fat and sagging skin in the area from the shoulder blades to the bra line is removed. During this process, muscles and tissues are tightened, thus achieving a firmer and more aesthetic appearance. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU works meticulously at every stage of the operation to ensure the best results.

Recovery Process and Recommendations

After the operation, patients are usually kept under observation for one day and then discharged. During the first week of recovery, rest should be emphasized. Showering is allowed in the first days, but heavy physical activities should be avoided. After about 10 days, patients can return to their daily life and work, but overly strenuous activities should be avoided. After the operation, the doctor’s recommendations should be followed exactly and a healthy lifestyle should be adopted.

Back lift operation offers an effective solution for those who want to eliminate aesthetic problems in the back area. This operation, performed with the expertise and experience of Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU, provides patients with a firmer and younger appearance.

Back Lift Surgery: Comprehensive Guide

Back lift surgery is an effective solution to eliminate sagging and unwanted fat accumulation in the back region. Over time, aging and fluctuations in weight, as with any part of the body, can lead to aesthetic issues in the back area. Back lift surgery is an ideal option for addressing such concerns.

Who Is It For?

Individuals who wish to correct sagging in the back region, typically associated with the aging process, are prime candidates for back lift surgery. However, there is no specific age range for undergoing this procedure. Back lift surgery can be performed on individuals of all ages who desire to address aesthetic concerns in their back area.

Procedure Overview

Back lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure, excess fat and sagging skin from the area between the shoulder blades and the bra line are removed. Muscles and tissues are tightened during this process, resulting in a tighter and more aesthetic appearance. Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU meticulously oversees each stage of the operation to ensure the best possible outcome.

Recovery Process and Recommendations

Following the surgery, patients are usually kept under observation for one day before being discharged. During the recovery period, it is important to prioritize rest for the first week. While showering is permitted in the initial days, strenuous physical activities should be avoided. Approximately 10 days after the surgery, patients can return to their daily routines and work, but should refrain from engaging in overly strenuous activities. Post-surgery, it is essential to diligently follow the doctor’s recommendations and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Back lift surgery offers an effective solution for individuals seeking to address aesthetic concerns in the back region. Conducted under the expertise and experience of Dr. Burak PASİNLİOĞLU, this procedure helps patients achieve a tighter and more youthful appearance. In this article, we have provided detailed insights into the procedure and recovery process of back lift surgery. For further information, feel free to contact us.

Klinik Adresi:

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Telefon Numarası:

+90 212 706 9075

E-posta Adresi:

[email protected]

Clinic Address

Harbiye Mah. Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Erenler Apt. No:12 Daire: 1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul

Phone Number

+90 212 706 9075

E-mail Address

[email protected]